Residential Apartment Complex
Saves $7.5M in Las Vegas, NV
Residential Apartment Complex
Saves $62.4M in Pheonix, AZ
Flex Warehouse Saves
$700,000 in Utah
Los Angeles Medical Office
Building Saves $1.01M
Phoenix Medical Office
Building Saves $1.5M
Residential Rental Saves
Family $660,000
Residential Rental Saves
Family $218,000
Residential Rental Saves
Family $148,000
Food Processing Structure Saves
$120,327 in Ketchikan, Alaska
RV Park Saves $404,694
in Eagar, Arizona
Residential Apartment Complex Saves
$1,495,784 in Anaheim, California
Residential Apartment Complex Saves $17,003,173
in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Single-unit Short Term Rental Saves
$129,759 in Miami, Florida
Fast Food Restaurant Saves $617,814
in Thomasville, Georgia
Residential Rental Home Saves $299,336
in Laie, Hawaii
Residential Townhome Complex Saves
$1,147,127 in Rexburg, Idaho
Assisted Living Center Saves $3,771,177
in Anderson, Indiana
Residential Single Family Home Saves
$312,370 in Henderson, Nevada
Residential Apartment Complex Saves $22,525,036
in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hotel Saves $3,561,415 in New York
Residential Apartment Complex Saves
$24,159,417 in Charlotte, North Carolina
Residential Apartment Complex Saves
$107,677 in South Point, Ohio
Residential Rental Home Saves
$37,088 in Lebanon, Ohio
Residential Apartment Complex
Saves $1,588,379 in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Flex Space Wearhouse Saves
$358,314 in White City, Oregon
Restaurant Saves $516,787
in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
Residential Six Plex Saves
$196,844 in Danville, Pennsylvania
Residential Apartment Complex Saves $15,203,823
in Summerville, South Carolina
Residential Apartment Complex Saves $15,203,823
in Summerville, South Carolina
Residential Rental Home Saves $415,420
in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
RV Park Saves $361,376
in Grandview, Texas
Residential Rental Home Saves
$222,000 in Mission, Texas
Office Building Complex Saves
$410,825 in Draper, Utah
Residential Apartment Complex Saves
$125,065 in Wayne, West Virginia
Gym Saves $519,369 in
Platteville, Wisconsin
Fitness Center $248,646
in Jefferson, Wisconsin
Residential Apartment Complex Saves
$33,277,661 in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Our seasoned team of professionals will comprehensively analyze your property, breaking down building components into shorter depreciation periods, which can result in immediate tax savings.
Backed by qualified engineers, we ensure accurate identification and classification of assets to comply with IRS guidelines and regulations.
We identify personal property, land improvements, and other elements and help you maximize the highest possible tax deductions, boosting your ROI.
Our in-depth reports provide a clear breakdown of assets, their reclassified values, and the associated tax implications, offering you a solid foundation for financial decision-making.
Our studies follow IRS regulations, ensuring your claims are well-substantiated in case of an audit.
We understand that every property is unique. Our team tailors solutions to your situation, optimizing results based on your property type, size, and ownership structure.
Our team consists of skilled tax specialists, engineers, and financial experts who collaborate to provide you with a comprehensive service beyond just number crunching.
We believe in transparency. We walk you through the process, explaining how cost segregation works and how it can positively impact your bottom line.
Our clients have experienced substantial tax savings and improved cash flow, leading to increased financial stability and investment opportunities.
Our team's diverse skill set, combining tax knowledge and engineering expertise, ensures the accuracy and effectiveness of our studies.
We partner with CPA firms Nationwide to introduce the benefits of Cost Segregation to their clients. It is a win/win for all.
Our studies are conducted to comply with IRS guidelines, providing you with confidence in the legitimacy of your tax benefits.
We don't just perform a one-time study. We strive to build lasting relationships, offering ongoing support as your property portfolio evolves.
Ready to take your commercial property investment to the next level? Contact us today for a consultation and discover how our cost segregation services can optimize your tax savings and enhance your financial success.
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